1. Revision of the draft law proposal amending some articles of the Law on Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances, and Precursors Law No. 673 issued on 16/3/1998 for the Human Rights and Health parliamentary committees, 2023.
2. Drafting the law proposal aiming at achieving gender equality in municipal councils through the amendment of certain articles of Law No. 665 dated December 29, 1997, upon the request of Fifty-fifty organization and in partnership with the United Nations Development Program UNDP (LEAP), 2022-2023.
3. Drafting the law proposal amending some articles of the Electoral Law (Gender quota proposal for the parliamentary elections) aiming at increasing the women’s participation in the Lebanese Parliament, upon the request of Fifty-fifty organization and in partnership with the United Nations Development Program UNDP (LEAP, 2021).
4. Drafting the Law proposal concerning the Lebanese medical sector who die fighting in the front lines of the current pandemic Covid-19 battle, and which aims for granting them and their families, special privileges as for the Lebanese Army Martyrs, for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2021.
5. Drafting the Law proposal concerning the combat of monopoly and smuggling of goods and materials in order to amend them and strengthen the punishments and penalties, funded by the British Embassy, in partnership with Westminster Foundation for Democracy WFD, Legal Consultant, 2021.
6. Revision of the law nb.47/2008 (Law Regulating the Marketing of Infant and Newborn Feeding Products and Methods, and Tools), for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2021.
7. Redrafting Law proposal regarding the settlement of financial and tax burdens for Lebanese institutions within the exceptional situation in the country, 2021.
8. Revision of the draft Law proposal aiming for strengthening Women’s representation “Women’s Quota” in the Joint Stock companies’ boards, for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2021.
9. Drafting Law proposal for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee to amend some articles of the law nb.44/2017 (Parliament Election Law) in order to strengthen Women’s representation in the Lebanese Parliament “Women’s Quota”, 2021.
10. Drafting Law proposal for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee to amend the law of Juveniles’ Protection number 422/2002, which became the law number 236/2021 after issuing it from the Lebanese parliament, 2021.
11. Drafting Law proposal aiming for settling the financial and tax conditions of factories, farms, restaurants, and hotels, 2021.
12. Drafting Law proposal for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee aiming at including the fishermen in the social security system, 2020.
13. Drafting Law proposal for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee aiming for amending the article /46/ of the Law nb.367/1994 Law of Practice of the Pharmacy Profession, 2020.
14. Drafting Law proposal concerning the amendment of the article /11/ of the decree-law nb.75/1983 of Laboratories Regulation Law aiming for standardization of laboratory pricing medical supplies, or by enforcing compliance with the price list for medical supplies and for laboratory tests, 2020.
15. Redrafting the law on persons with disabilities for Human Rights committee, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2020.
16. Drafting a Law to settle the financial and tax conditions in light of the living and health conditions and to take exceptional legislative measures to rethink taxes, fees, fines and service contributions, to stop judicial procedures and to establish an aid fund, 2020.
17. Drafting Law for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee on sexual harassment, which became the law number 205/2020 after issuing it from the Lebanese parliament, 2020.
18. Redefining the crime of rape in the Lebanese penal law, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2020.
19. Drafting Labor law provisions to ensure gender equality regarding employment’s bil, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
20. Drafting the Social Security law regarding eligibility of working married Lebanese women for social benefits, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
21. Drafting the law that authorizes the mother to open bank accounts for her minor children, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
22. Drafting the Law that regulates travel of minors, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
23. Drafting the Law protecting minors from consuming alcoholic and energy drinks, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
24. Drafting the Law nb.422 regarding the protection against minor’s violation and exposure to danger, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
25. Amending article nb.174 issued in 2011 related to smoking reduction and tobacco control, 2019.
26. Amending the article 36 in Media Law nb. 382 issued 1994, 2019.
27. Amending the article 120 from Law of e-transactions and personal data protection nb. 181 issued 2018, 2019.
28. Amending article nb. 2 from public accounting law (decree nb.14969 issued in 1963), 2019.
29. Drafting amendments to the Social Security Law related to the woman and child, for the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, which became the law number 323/2023 after issuing it from the Lebanese parliament, 2023.
30. Drafting amendments on the Penal Code, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
31. Drafting law, the purpose of which is to establish the right of Lebanese Women to grant the nationality and civil rights of their children, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
32. Revision of draft law, the purpose of which is to cancel Article 845 Procedure Code regarding the custody of children, the Woman and Child parliamentary committee, 2019.
33. Drafting the law proposal on protecting the high mountains, upon the request of T.E.R.R.E. Liban association, and Lebanese advocacy network for environment (LANE), 2019-2020.
34. Drafting the law protecting the small merchants- providers, 2018.
35. Review the Libyan draft constitution with the support of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2015.
36. Co-drafting the law on Petroleum resources, 2010.
37. Drafting a law enabling Lebanese women to grant nationality to their children, National Committee for the Follow up of Women’s Issues, UNDP project, 2009.
38. Abolishing “Honor crimes” (article 562 of the Penal Code), 1998.